Team members of Dave & Girish & Co are closely working for the Oil & Gas Industry. We carryout corporate governance audits for oil and gas industry. The exercise involves physical inspection of plant and refinaries. The process involves a three day corporate audit through questioning, examination of actual licenses/approvals. The audit process includes physical vertification of plants, checks on compliances under factories act, environmental laws, labour laws, public liability, weight and measures, ozone depleting substances, waste management and handling laws, noise and oil pollution checks, safety audits, etc. Apart from audits, we also provide contract drafting services and corporate law advisory to oil and gas companies.
We have assisted on large projects and our teams are qualified to handle due diligences, reviewing project agreements, financing arrangements, structuring of BOOT, PPP and PFI agreements for our clients. We have assisted the State Government funded road and highway financing documentation, securitization of toll receivables and other similar financing structures.